Never have to tweeze or shave again, or even think about the hair ever again.
With electrolysis, you can free yourself from the everyday annoyance of unwanted hair, and start to feel like YOU again. It’s time to start Living Loved.
This is life-changing, true permanent hair removal. Never have to shave again type of hair removal.
Sidney specializes in hair removal for PCOS/hormone imbalance clients. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal.
Unfortunately, our electrolysis machine was damaged by the tornado in Rogers on May 26, 2024 when we lost our previous location. The manufacturer is having production issues, and they haven’t been able to get a new machine to us. At this time we are not able to serve electrolysis clients. If you are interested in this service, please contact us to be put on a waitlist. We will reach out to all electrolysis clients when we’re able to provide this service again. We have no idea when the new machine will be shipped. We will reach out to all waitlisted clients when we get it.
-updated 3/9/25
Why is electrolysis better than laser?
Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal. Lasers can only provide permanent hair reduction meaning that you have to continue the laser treatments due to varying amounts of the hair growing back over time. With electrolysis, once a hair receives a full treatment, it is impossible for that hair to ever grow back.
How does electrolysis work?
During the treatment, the hair follicle is stretched and a probe that is about the same diameter as the hair is inserted into the follicle. Once at the base of the hair, a current is applied to create a tiny scar at the base of the follicle deep within the skin. This scar prevents the hair from ever being able to grow again.
What if laser didn’t work for me?
Many times clients with PCOS or other hormonally driven hair growth do not get a desired result from laser treatments. Electrolysis is the only option to completely remove unwanted hair from the chin, neck, and face for clients with PCOS or white/blonde hair.
What areas of the body can electrolysis be done on?
Electrolysis can be done on any hair on the body except inside the ear canal or inside the nostrils of the nose. Often clients want this for the lips, chin, neck, sides of face, underarms, stomach “happy trail”, bikini area, legs, and toes.
How long does it take to have the hair completely gone?
Hair grows in 3 stages, and follicles can even be dormant at times. When we perform electrolysis, we need to catch the hair in the first phase of growth in order to get the most effective treatment on that hair. The process is a time commitment, but once completed will have you hair-free for good. For fastest results and better chance of catching the hair in the first phase, it’s best to come in for a treatment once a week until we are able to have the entire treatment area cleared. Then we will bump back the treatments continuously over time as hair growth slows. It’s best to expect the treatment plan to take about 18 months, but you will have significantly less hair and up to 6 weeks between treatments before the end of the treatment plan. Appointment times will also go down as there is less hair.
Why are the appointment times longer than laser?
With electrolysis the professional is treating each and every hair individually. With laser the general area is treated which is much quicker. However, this is why electrolysis is a more effective treatment and is the only method of permanent hair removal.
Appointment Options
All first time clients should schedule a New Client Consult & Treatment for their first appointment.
After the initial appointment treatment options will be as follows:
2 hours - $199
1 hour - $119
30 minutes - $69
15 minutes - $39